Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer.... You've Been Good to Us

We've been way better than we deserve this summer. After a trip to the beach, a fabulous 4th of July on the lake, going to the airport to pick up Scott following his year long deployment, and then another trip to the beach, one might think that was enough to have made me compose a post with this title already. I really should have!

Instead of just resting while Scott was off from work this past month, we've really packed a lot in.... and I've not done a good job of keeping the blog up to date. So, humor me while I briefly and pictorially play catch up just a bit over the next several posts. Then we'll be gearing up for preschool to start, and boy am I looking forward to having a bit more routine and schedule to our lives.

On to the summer fun catch up:

We had a tree in our back yard that died sometime last year while Scott was gone. We made lemonade out of those lemons by cutting it down and having a family camp out including a campfire and s'mores.

No one made it all night in the tent. In fact, before it ever got dark we had moved the tent onto the back porch so that we could wait to disassemble it the following day without having to let it dry out. The next morning while the girls were playing in it I heard some blood curdling screams from inside the tent. I thought someone was hurt, but it turns out the tent had about 4 slugs crawling around inside and the four little girly girls we have were terrified! Now they rigorously inspect the back porch before letting loose out there.

It's been so long since I've tried to post any pictures on here that these uploaded in the exact opposite order of what I was hoping for, and I'm too lazy to change them. More fun summer pictures soon!


Ms. ~K said...

S'mores Yummy!
I always enjoy catching up on my favorite triplets and Ms. E!

Laura S. said...

Can't wait to see the rest of the summer fun.

Stephanie said...

S'mores, campfires, lemonade, and tenting! Sounds like the perfect summer. :)
