We've just returned from an amazing trip to the beach with wonderful friends. Even though we had 7 kids in one house and a long road trip there and back, it went off without a hitch... except for the whine noise level in the car for the last few hours on the way home yesterday, right Kelli?

While we were there we caught up with a friend of mine from my working days and went out with she and her husband on their boat in the ocean. We docked it at one point on a sand bar (I think?) and the kids jumped off the boat, swam, and ran around a bit. They all got to try their hand at driving the boat, and we even saw some dolphins swimming in the bay! All the kiddos loved this adventure.

The girls also experienced fireworks for the first time ever... they were a much bigger hit than I thought they would be. My little, afraid of loud noises, babies sure are growing up.

We had a wonderful place to stay and hung out there quite a bit. The girls really enjoyed playing with their friends Aydan, Ansley, and Brody. We got more than the usual amount of comments/ questions from strangers regarding multiples because between us we had 7 year old twins, a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and almost 3 year old triplets. We were a sight, and I would say they played equally hard together at the beach house as they did at the ocean or in the pool. It was pretty much non-stop fun as you can imagine!

When we started doing more sleeping and resting than we were playing, I decided it was time to head home. The girls started to become bored at the beach on about the 4th day and were preferring the pool. I realized that between me being stressed about Scott's upcoming travels and their lack of interest in the ocean, we'd all likely do better at home swimming at the pool where we could get back into a bit of a routine before daddy is home.... yeah, he's coming soon!!

We added a little bit of a detour to our homeward bound trip and stopped in to visit with Gamma and the Great grandparents on the way, but I'll save that for another post.

I'm so excited for you all that Scott will be home soon. Also, wanted to say I saw you on TLC "what not to weat" the other night. It was just a second but you were on there. I wathc that show all the time and had been looking for this episode since you told us about it. Pretty neat!
Looks like it was a great trip to the beach again. I know you all can't wait to have Scott back. I will keep you all in my prayers and be sure to pray for safe travels for Scott.
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