I headed to the airport today with four very excited little girls. Because I was the only adult until we picked Scott up, I made them wear their monkey backpacks. Our little crew caused quite a stir all over the airport..... but I think it was mostly the monkey backpacks and leashes because the girls were very well behaved!

We arrived early enough to have a little snack before moving over to the arrival area at the top of the escalators.

Once we got to our final waiting point we chatted with a few strangers, and one kind lady offered to be our photographer for the "first sighting". I was grateful, but the girls all charged like a bunch of bulls the moment they saw Daddy and there really weren't great photo opportunities.

After patiently waiting for all four of the girls to squeeze Daddy tight, I stepped in and demanded a turn.

While waiting for baggage the girls sat around and hung on Scott's every word.... I have no idea what he was telling them here, but they were all very entertained by him.

We've had a fabulous first day back together as a family of 6. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes while Scott was away! These pictures don't do this day justice... we are so blessed!

So So excited for you guys! Love the pics, thanks for sharing :)
I have tears in my eyes...thanks for allowing us to be part of your amazing moment!
So grateful with you to the Lord for His protection over Scott and you all here over the past year!
ahhhhh, brought a little tear to my eye just seeing the pix...so precious....God is good!! Welcome Home Scott, you have made us proud!! Love the Horns :o)
So excited that Scott is home! The girls (including momma)have to be SO excited! Enjoy catching up and reconnecting with Scott in the next few days!
my comment was supposed to say The Horn's said!! ??? :o)
Man, i'm so happy and excited for you guys. Enjoy these days, there is so much to be grateful for. Job well done to you all!!!!
So glad he's home safe and sound!
I'm a long time lurker...but today I have to comment on the joy I received in seeing your husband home safe, the children gathered into his arms.and you knowing that your long wait is over!
All I can think is what a mighty God we serve. Praising Him, with you, that His hand of protection so kindly rested on all of you during this long separation!
Blessings on you, as you once again become a family unit. working togeher to raise these little girlies for His glory!!
So glad your family is back together! I have tears in my eyes reading this post, but they are tears of joy!
hugs and happy tears!
what a wonderful moment!
I am SOOO happy for you! You did an amazing job over the past year. I pray that life will return to normal for you very quickly. Thanks for being an inspiration.
I'm crying tears of happiness for you all! What sweet, precious photos of Daddy's homecoming. MB, you are one fantastic woman/mom/wife, congrats to you all!!!
what fantastic news!!
It has been so long since i have checked in, and sobbing. Congratulations on Scott coming home and your beautiful family being whole again!!!! Much Love!
Oh how sweet this is! I have tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for you and your girls!
One big happy family, again!!!
Welcome Home Scott and thank you for your service!
Hooray for homecomings! I have a great pic of my hubby coming back from Iraq pushing the babies in their triplet stroller with his big pack on his back, lol. So glad everyone is back together!
~Karen B
Yay! SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL! This is fantastic. Makes me a little weepy.
I am so happy for you guys! What a blessing that Scott made it home safely. I am sure the girls have been talking non-stop since his arrival!
Are those pictures cute or what? I'm so happy he made it home safe and sound.
So happy for you all!
Sorry I have been so behind. I am so glad that Scott is home safe and sound! I can't even begin to imagine the joy that you all feel having him home again.
Awesome, glad to hear Scott made it home to his 5 ladies!!!
tears coming, homecoming from war!!
I have followed you just after he left. Happiness for all of you
Bonnie J.
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