I took the girls for haircuts this morning. They are looking especially adorable these days, and it's a really good thing because they are otherwise driving me nuts.
Thankfully this afternoon Kay, Doug, and Brian had the girls over for a play date including playing in the sprinklers, pancakes for supper, and a bath while I got a little reprieve.

Before leaving them for their couple hours break from their mean old mama, I took a few pictures... new haircuts can't go undocumented as they don't happen often enough! Unfortunately Maggie and Kate didn't keep their hair bows in, and they both really need them as you'll notice in the pictures that follow.

I should have gone to the grocery store while I had time to myself, but instead I got a pedicure and then visited a neighbor.

I was blessed by my time off, and my ears aren't ringing quite as loudly tonight since I wasn't listening x4 all evening long.

I know the girls had a great time also... they were just getting warmed up in these pictures while I was still there. They kept saying, "
You can go on now mama", "Have a fun time!", etc.

We are in the home stretch for Scott's deployment, and I spend a great deal of time thinking and daydreaming about what it will be like when he's finally home. The girls have changed so very much. Ella has grown 2 inches taller, 5 lbs heavier, and it feels like she has matured several years' worth emotionally. When Scott left Maggie, Kate, and Sarah were all in diapers and baby beds, and that is no longer true for any of them ... they are little ladies now with all the chatter, attitude, and independent thoughts that come with it.
He is going to be amazed at how they've all grown and changed! Have I mentioned how grateful I will be to have my partner in love, life, and parenting back here to share in these long summer days and all the ones that follow?!? The four silly sisters and their one nutty mama are so looking forward to having this year behind us.... what a wild ride it has been!
Bring your best ear plugs and get home to us soon Scott!
I know that you will all be glad to have him home! And the changes are going to surprise him, I'll bet. Y'all are a great army family, and I know Scott is so proud of how strong you have been in his absence. Pat yourself on the back!
I am so happy for you that Scott will be home soon. I know the relief you must be feeling. It is always a long road and parenting is hard to do alone.
You have done a wonderful job with those four girls over this past year! I am sure that it hasn't been easy. I am praying that this last little bit of time before Scott gets home just flies by.
Those are beautiful pictures of the 4 girls together!
~Karen B
The girls look beautiful. The view behind them is so pretty it looks like a special backdrop- just gorgeous! You are amazing- I don't know how you have done everything on your own and managed to do it all so well! I hope the time flies until Scott is home again.
Glad to hear Scott will be home soon....your girls are beautiful....
Such beautiful girls! These pictures are fantastic. I'm impressed that they're all sitting so still.
I'm even more impressed that you've been "solo parenting" the four of them. What a strong and hard-working mama you must be! You definitely deserve a "day off" when your husband arrives home. :)
Cute haircuts!
I hope Scott gets home soon and life falls back into place quickly for you all :)
I do especially love the haircuts! :) And I super-especially love the example that they set for Emma Grace. We have loved spending the past few HOT summer days with you and look forward to spending many more!
That first photo of all the girls is just great - I love it! You should frame that one :)
I'm sure Scott is looking forward to seeing you all as well - loud noises or not!
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