Saturday, October 3, 2009

To the Moon and Back and Then Some

Here in our house our favorite phrase for affection is, "I love you to the moon and back." If you ask any of the girls how much I love them they will quickly tell you "Mama loves me to the moon and back." I often overhear them telling each other that same thing.

So tonight, after a very lengthy bedtime conversation about our upcoming trip to the wedding, when Ella said to me, "Mom, do you know how much I love you?", I said, "to the moon and back?" She said, "Nope, we learned at school that a circle has no end, so that's how much I love you.... and please tell Daddy that's how much I love him from now on too."


Rach said...

Aw. That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard!

SouthernGalsBoutique said...

AWE that just gave me chills!! how very sweet!!!

Laura S. said...

What an amazing little girl Ella is! That is so sweet!!

Angela Nazworth said...

Oh that just made my heart leap and ache with joy at the same so sweet.

Anita said...

I like that! Kids are so real, unpretentious, and smart.

You have quite a family "makeup!" I will check in here and there to see how it's going!


JMT said...

Very sweet!

Dorinda said...

One sweet and smart little lady you have there!

Rachel O. said...

That is the cutest thing ever!!!!