Overwhelmed... that's the nutshell version of how I've been lately. I'm sure I've mentioned here before the fact that the girls all feed off of my emotions so they have been spinning somewhat out of control for the last week as well.
I'm going to see if I can put into pictures where we've been since I blogged last.

We spent all of Wednesday with a couple of installers and Panasonic's Answer Man here explaining how all our new equipment works. So far our favorite feature is the fact that the SD card comes straight out of the HD video camcorder and goes right into the front of the 50" plasma screen tv. So immediately following recording we can see life sized and in theater surround sound the performances. So cool!

On Thursday we threw a little birthday party including home made pizza and ice cream and lots of our friends, both big and little here at our house.

Friday night and Saturday I was lucky enough to spend some time with a few of my college friends. It was fun, but the amount of work involved in getting the girls taken care of in my absence and then dealing with the sleep deprived little gals once I returned home will likely delay any future trips until Scott is home from Iraq, at least.

Then on Sunday morning we had our first Young Adult Sunday school class meeting at church. During the weeks before the big day Anna and I had transformed the room you see here from a very outdated nursery complete with pale pink and blue wall paper with a stubborn border into a lovely room. (Anna did a great job with the painting and decorating, I just helped with the wallpaper removal.) As we worked we had no idea how many people might be a part of the class and we had some concerns that it might just be us.... however, it turned out to be a great group of people and I'm looking forward to spending time with each of these folks on Sunday mornings while our kiddos are in Sunday school.

As a result of the go, stress, go mentality we've had, the girls have all been extra tired and will occasionally fall down in the middle of the floor wearing a pair of my heels.... exhausted!

Oh, and we've all been seeing the sight above quite a bit. Ella was so excited for Wednesday to arrive because "her" camera was a long awaited prize. She is quite the little photographer and her efforts will be featured here on the blog very, very soon.
I am happy to report that I'm getting the hang of all the cameras, the theater system and all the related remote controls, and we're finally back into our new little routine.
After a completely normal Monday including a 2 hour nap this afternoon, I would say that the girls are all settling down once again too. So hopefully the blog will not be so neglected this week!
I've missed the Four Silly Sisters and sorry to hear that things have been a little crazed around there. Sounds like things are getting back on track though. Can't wait to see Ella's photos!
Sorry to hear that you are so overwhelmed! I am right there with you - driving to FL on Saturday for weeks - but flying to CO next week and leaving the kids behind to go to a writer's conference then back to FL - aaagh! I'm not even packed :)
I also can't wait to see Ella's photos. Have a great week!! And happy Mother's Day a bit early.
Wow! You have been a busy lady. Glad your back but I have to admit, I didn't notice the absence. Only because I too was absent. I was afraid I would have a ton to catch up on. Thankful I don't. I can't wait to see Ella's pictures.
Kim talks about your new TV alot and how BIG it is. I cant wait to see it :-). I will be looking for Ella's photos :-)
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