During all their waking hours at home today, the girls each consistently answered only to an alias:

Ella aka "
Big Mama"
Maggie aka "
Little Emma"
Sarah aka "
Baby Trampoline"
Kate aka
"School Bus"I have no idea how they come up with this stuff. For more Wordless Wednesday check out
5 Minutes for Mom.
What precious beautiful girls you have. Thank you for sharing.
That's so funny!!
That is hilarious! They are so darn cute and come up with the funniest stuff.
So cute! My boys recently went through this. The middle one would only answer to Love and the oldest to Wreck. Craziness!
Are they back to their real names today or do they have new aliases? They are so funny!
I also meant to ask what your alias was. :)
Oh yeah, I was "silly sister".
They are too cute! Love the photos!
That is great! How do they come up with the stuff they say? I wish I could get inside their heads and know what they're thinking :)
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