Last night was Ella's preschool graduation. In honor of the occasion I took my "old" camera (Nikon D80) and the new Panasonic HD video camera.... video of the performance is coming soon. In the mean time, here are a few shots of the graduate and the future sibling scholars sporting someone else's spectacles. Isn't alliteration fun?!?

Ella with her Ms. Kelli



Being entertained with silly glasses and pictures was what got the girls through the hour wait between dropping Ella off in her classroom to the beginning of the "puhformance". It really was a joy to watch, but I can't believe my baby is even old enough for preschool much less already completed her first year?!? Where does the time go?

Congrats on you preschool graduation Ella! cute! I agree...where does the time go?
By the way, my girls love glasses too. :)
I love the glasses - they are super cool :) Great idea! Way to go Ella - good job!
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