It was right after lunch that our little mishap occurred. Ella and cousin Cayden were chasing Kate when Ella fell face first into the corner of a square, metal, flower pot.... though Sarah still declares it was a "fower potty" that Ella fell into. Her chin got all gashed up, and we had to make a quick trip through the fast track of the emergency room courtesy of cousin Nick.
Ella was pretty upset about the prospects of having anyone even look at her face. I was wearing my fuzziest black sweater, and when the 100's of well meaning members of our family inquired about her before we left, she buried her face into my chest. I'm sure everyone thought I was just worried about my sweater, but I really hated to see all that black fuzz accumulating in her wound! It was pretty gross.
On the way to the hospital Ella insisted on placing her obligatory "I'm pitiful" call to her aunt Kari who is Ella's go to person when she is feeling especially downtrodden for some reason. They had a nice chat while Nick drove.
Once there, the part that actually took the longest was getting it cleaned up. Remember the previously mentioned black fuzzy sweater? Then a few steri strips, some glue, and a plain band aid later, and she was good to go.
Ella was relatively quiet on the way home. I assumed it was because she was tired from all the crying she had done earlier. Once we reached Donna's house to get the girls, she was covering her chin and hysterical saying she was not getting out of the car. Here's the funny part: she wasn't upset because she was hurting or anything. It was pure vanity! We finally figured out she was just mortified because the band aid that they gave her in the er was an ugly, plain, brown one! She refused to be seen by anyone while she had it on. However, as soon as we got her a pink Hello Kitty band aid she was miraculously all better.
And then she went on to perform beautifully (and by that I mean stand quietly with her 2 cohorts at the back of the choir loft and sing in the chorus at the very end... just as they were supposed to) in the children's Christmas pageant at church. Once I okay it with the other parents I may add a couple more cute pictures from last night, but in the mean time don't her little eyes look puffy and isn't that band aid adorable?!?

Glad that Hello Kitty band-aid made it all better! Poor little thing!
When my daughter Victoria was 5 she took a shovel to the nose courtesy of her big brother. It was accidental, he was digging a hole and asked her to clear away the loose dirt. The shovel was in the ground and gave way and popped up and hit her right across the bridge of the nose - 2 days before we were leaving for Disney World. We were blessed with our first experience of the "gluing" process (she'd had stitches before when her other brother catapulted her off of a homemade teeter totter and split open her chin.) It was a Godsend because otherwise we would have been looking for a doctor 3 days into our trip to remove stitches, and she healed up nicely with the glue.
The whole trip while we tried to protect her nose from the sun it was all about the accesorizing of Hello Kitty, Dora and Princess band-aids. As a side note, apparently you should be glad you don't have boys around full time!
Oh goodness. Poor Ella. However I did get a good laugh as i am sure you did about the "fower potty".
Hello Kitty sounds like a major cure all. Glad that Ella is doing better. She made an adorable little Angel.
She was a beautiful angel, especially with the bandaid! Hope she's feeling better soon.
Poor Ella! I am glad she is OK and that she was able to preform beautifully. Hopefully it heals up nicely and doesn't leave much of a scar.
That is so funny! I had no idea that vanity started so young - we are in for a long haul!
Raegan kept pointing to Ella today during kindermusik and saying that she wanted a "hello kitty sticker" too. I had to explain that it was a band aid for a boo-boo. I was actually worried that she might try to touch it or something because she was getting pretty close to her to check it out.
You're as pretty as ever, Ella.
Ms. ~K
What a cute angel! I'm so glad she is okay :) And I love the black and white pictures - too funny. I really can't wait to hear their conversations in the years to come...
Found your blog while blog hopping.
This made me laugh out loud! It would be so much fun to have such a big family get together. Great writing too :)
I'm glad Ella is okay! Thank goodness for Hello Kitty. Very cute angel!
Aren't kids cute? I love the "fower potty". So funny. Ella still looks beautiful as an angel. Even with swollen eyes and a boo boo. You better stock up on hello kitty bandaids for the rest of the toddler years. You're probably going to need lots.
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