Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh No She Didn't

This is actually a series of pictures that I took during afternoon snack one day last week when Ella was gone, but this is how I imagine the conversation going tomorrow when the girls find out about all the great Christmas goodies I made without them tonight. They LOVE a good baking/mess making fest/ project these days!

Sarah: "Can you girls believe what mama did last night without us?"
Maggie: "I don't know why she didn't wait for our help with the tuxedo cookies, sugar cookies, Christmas wreaths, and chocolate peanut butter balls?!?"

Kate: "I just can't imagine, but it makes me want to cry....."
Now I'm off to wrap things up in the kitchen. The wreaths and peanut butter balls should be set by now, and I've got to head to bed!


Lindsey Oliver said...

I just love their expressions!

Denise said...

Very cute! The girls have such cute and individual expressions. I loved your 2008 Year in Review. I just might steal that idea in a couple of weeks if you don't mind.