However, amidst all the continued excitement, thanks mainly to being well I guess, the girls are finally sleeping again. Maggie, Kate, and Sarah even napped for 3 days in a row now, and Ella is "resting" for an hour in the afternoons too. Woohoo! Resuming naps couldn't have come at a better time either because Ella, with KayKay's help, gave me The Shack for Christmas and I can't seem to put it down.
On to the good stuff: completely random, mostly funny things I've heard lately.
On Saturday as we were making cookies Amanda's dog buddy sort of snuck up on Ella. She is petrified of him. I think it is because of the grunting noises he makes when breathing, but I guess it could be the way he looks?!? Either way, she was standing in a kitchen chair at the table and didn't realize he was in the room again until he was right below her chair. All of a sudden she saw him and yelled, "Meh-we Beff!!" Not Mom, Mommy, Mama, but MaryBeth.... great.
Almost as fun as Kate who about half the time calls me "Mama me-wuh" these days for Mama Mia.
Maggie is constantly sputtering the phrase, "why, be-cuz.... why, be-cuz," and occasionally she asks herself questions and then answers with a long drawn out "be-cuz, ummmmm.......". Guess she might have heard these phrases a time or twenty before. *Note to self: come up with some better excuses and reasons for things!*
At breakfast a week or so ago the girls were all discussing the merits of oatmeal. Ella declared it one of her favorite breakfast foods, Maggie and Kate both claimed to not care for it (though they both eat it regularly), and Sarah said, "Guys, matter of fact, it is my most fabrit." I kid you not! She also has the cutest way of acknowledging thank you's with a very polite little, "I welcome."
The other night Donna came over wearing flip flops. I've already had to hide the girls' flip flops, and I'm about to have to do the same with crocs because of the weather. When she walked in Ella took one look at her and exclaimed, "Donna, how oh how did you get to wear those?" It reminded me of the time she asked my grandmother Nanny C. who gave her permission to have candy or not since Nanny C's mother is already in Heaven...
On Sunday afternoon when I dropped the girls off for their slumber party at KayKay's Ella pulled me aside, and in her most serious tone said, "Now mom, if you get lonely you just give us a call." Isn't she the most thoughtful 3 year old ever?!? I giggled about it all the way home to my quiet house.
Cookie pics finally up on my site..I'll shutterfly the rest, someday.
I love it! keep these post coming. Your girls are so funny.
The girls are so cute! Glad you're getting some down time while they nap. Have a great New Year!
They always make me laugh - I agree with Tara - keep sharing! Caleb is 5 and still makes me laugh - the other day he said, "Mom, I'm more tired then you think I am" after we got home from Sea World. Soo funny!
So cute and so funny. Thanks for sharing. Isn't nap time wonderful!?!?!? I think mommies need the down time mor than the kids:-) Happy new year!
Great article in the newspaper...
Love you all,
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