One of my biggest stresses of holiday shopping was buying one item for each of the girls that was not "the same" as everyone else was getting. I don't know why I was so worried over it. They were each pretty clear as to at least one thing that they wanted that the others didn't, and it turned out that those gifts were some they enjoyed opening the most. Kate got a My Little Pony, Maggie a special baby doll, Sarah a pink dress up dress, and Ella her first barbie doll.
After we spent the morning here at home with various family members stopping by to see the girls and their new toys, we snuck in an early nap and then headed over to my Granny Ruth's house for a late lunch. Dad's side of the family isn't as large as Mom's, but the girls had an equally large time there. Ella received a music box/ make up set from her great-Granny Ruth, and she generously shared the contents with all of her sisters. Everyone got in on the action. Pop Dickie painted Sarah's finger nails and toe nails.
Kenneth and Glenda enjoyed a front row seat watching as all the girls used every bit of makeup in that box..... very decoratively, I might add.
Granny Ruth opened presents for quite a long time. Even with four wonderful little helpers I bet it took her 30 minutes to get them all.
At the end of the day Maggie was clearly the winner of the war paint award. Unfortunately one of the tubes of lipstick in the box was purple... that was the one Maggie chose as you can see in the above photo to go with her blue eyeshadow.

I was impressed that Ella didn't mind sharing her new stash with Maggie, Kate, and Sarah. She was in her own world and just plain thrilled to be painting her own toes.
Sarah more than made up for Maggie's lack of attention to detail with the make-up. She stood in front of the little mirror for the longest time getting the lipstick, eyeshadow, and blush just exactly where she wanted them..... just look at that concentration!

I was impressed that Ella didn't mind sharing her new stash with Maggie, Kate, and Sarah. She was in her own world and just plain thrilled to be painting her own toes.

The best news of the day was that all the makeup washed off easily when it was time for bed. The girls crashed out rather early, and I was in the bed at the unbelieveable hour of 8:30pm as a Merry Christmas gift to myself!!
Looks like your girls had a good time. Happy Holidays!
I have been keeping makeup away from mine yet but by seeing how well your girls did maybe in a few months they could handle it? I'm scared to even try it. Christmas looked like so much fun at your house. Can they ride the tricycles?
Loved reading the recap of your holiday starting with the day before Christmas Eve. Looks like the girls really enjoyed themselves!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I wish Scott could have been there to share in the festivities. I love that your girls got some of the same things for Christmas that my girls got -- "lipstick" (chapstick), dress up earrings & pink vests. We also gave the girls each a special unique present. It was hard to think of the perfect thing. I hope you have a blessed new year. Your family (and especially Scott's safety) are in our prayers.
Too funny! Glad the make up washed off easily. It looks like the girls had a great time.
Keeping you all in my prayers until Scott's safe return home to you guys.
Glad you had a Merry Christmas with your girls. They are so cute
I'm glad you had a good holiday. I can't imagine doing Christmas without Kirk. I am praying for a safe and quick return for Scott! Have a wonderful New Year :)
Your girls are so funny! My kids also love chapstick. :) I'm glad you had help on your holiday. It looks like a wonderful day was had by all. Blessings to you all in 2009.
I love reading your blog(Ms. Kit got me hooked) and watching these beautiful little girls grow-up. You amaze me, MB --- and I might add inspire me, too. The family pics are surely a treasure for all. Looks like you've had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you have a very blessed New Year to come.
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