Because we hadn't seen Scott's grandparents in nearly a year, nor his mom Gamma for several months, the girls and I detoured a little on our way home from the beach last week and stopped in his home town for an impromptu visit.

I let the bulls loose (or octopus, more like) in Gamma's antique shop after having confined them to the car for the better part of the morning, and thankfully they didn't break anything.... and to think I used to worry about taking our lab Bandit in there! Managing one of him on a leash was so much simpler than corralling the girls.

We took the time to Skype with Scott one last time while he was still in Iraq, and that was a real treat.... 4 generations worth of people all connecting via the computer around the globe.

The girls ran off a little steam with their baby carriages before we got back on the road for the longer and much less pleasant portion of our return from the beach.

Overall, the stop was an hour out of our way and we spent almost 2 hours there, but the time was definitely well spent and so worth it! I know the girls enjoyed seeing their Gamma and their great grandparents. It was an excellent end to our already wonderful vacation.
What a great way to end your vacation! I know they were thrilled! Getting excited for y'all!!
Gotta love technology! I guess tomorrow should be the big day; I hope everybody can sleep tonight.
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