Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remembering Adam

Ella's birthday is always a bittersweet reminder for me of exactly how many years we've lived here on earth without my little brother Adam. His car accident was four years ago today... it feels like a thousand years in some ways and just yesterday in others.

I don't talk about him or share stories about him nearly enough... probably because I still get teary and I hate to cry in public. I've got some work to do in that department though because I hope that my girls will get to know him through my reminiscing and come to love him as much as I do! Anyone have any suggestions for keeping his memory alive for those of us who knew him and creating memories of him for the girls?

Missing him has been taking up all my spare thoughts today, so this is all I've got for the blog.
I'll be back to my regularly scheduled posts with new pictures of all the cuties tomorrow.


Diana said...

I'm sorry for your loss. My mother-in-law passed on her oldest son's birthday (my husband's older brother) 2 September's ago so we are already discovering the bitter sweet marker. I understand, I love my mom-in-law like a 2nd mom, I have no siblings, but can only imagine the heaviness in your heart. May the God of all comfort make Himself apparent to you today.

Lara Neves said...

I am so sorry. I can't imagine what I would feel if I were to lose any of my brothers.

Do you scrapbook? I would probably make some sort of tribute album to him with any photos you have.

Brandi said...

Kim and I were just talking about him the other day when she was doing my hair. I know it's not the same but I'm sure the girls have already and will continue to hear about their uncle through all the close friends and family members that are such a big part of their lives. I can't think of a better way to remember him than from those that knew him best. And I'm sure he was up there smiling down on all of you when you took the girls to the basketball game the other day! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that he hasn't been forgotten and that I still think about your family around this time of year. And for some reason, Sarah always reminds me the most of Adam, I guess she kind of resembles him, at least to me she does anyway.

danajk said...

Mary Beth, I am so sorry about your brother. I know that it is a bittersweet day and always will be. I will be thinking of you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I understand how you feel about the passage of time--some days it does feel as if it were just yesterday that I lost my brother, and then other days,it feels as if it were in another life time. This month it will be 16 yrs.

Share lots and lots of stories with your girls about the things that you remember happening with Adam at their same age. I think they'll love hearing about your childhood and how it would be if they had a brother around. Old pictures are a great way for them to understand and I hope it will be wonderful memories for you.

I'll be praying for you and your family this week.

Kim said...

God sure knew what you and many of us were feeling yesterday when he gave us an awesome sermon on healing and a beautiful song from the choir. I couldn't keep it together during church, it was like I could feel your hurt just sitting behind you. Adam will forever be remembered and I too should talk about him more. Just his awesome way of making you smile. The way he always made everyone feel welcome and accepted. We miss him too and I know your girls will grow up with memories they never shared with him, but from stories that they will hear. Brandi is abosolutely right when she said how much Sarah reminds everyone of him. And I know that is God's gift for you and for everyone who sees that within her. What a blessing. We love you.

Lisa Valentine said...

I understand how you feel on a day like today. It is such a bitter sweet day. I like to tell stories about my dad with the girls and when I make food that he loved, I make sure to tell the girls that too. I have found after 7 years that each year is different and some years are much harder than others. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you family today.

crissy said...

Hey Mary Beth, it has been almost 25 years since we lost my brother, Dennis, in a car accident. And just like you sometimes it seems like yesterday when it happened. Shannon was just a year old and Tiffany was born one year later, however, even though they never really knew him, I constantly would share so many "Uncle Denny" stories to where they felt like he was a part of their lives, too. I would (and still do) tear up when I talked about him, but it also made me feel good letting people know about him, and how proud I was to have him in my life for 26 years. He was my only brother and we were all so close that I never ever wanted his memory to ever die. Adam reminded me of my brother, tall, skinny, dark hair, and sweet smile. I thought about Adam yesterday and your family cause I so know what you and Kari go through. I know you will keep him alive in your hearts forever and your girls will know the wonderful, caring, fun-loving brother he was to you. Tears are good too, it is still a very big part of the healing process and always be glad the good Lord gave you such a great brother even though it was for such a short time. Take care and God bless you all...Love Christine

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think the girls need to hear lots of stories about Adam, I have some if you happen to run out! Some of mine are not age appropriate at this time, I will save them for them later in life!

Whitney said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Brian's mom died 8 years ago and I struggle with the same thing. I want the kids to "know" her and how wonderful she was in life. Right now, all we do is talk about her but I don't feel that is enough. I hope you get some good ideas!