The girls are just becoming quite the little chatter boxes these days, so I thought I'd get down a few more of the funnier things I've heard lately.
Donna was here night before last to help with the bath and bedtime routine. She was still wearing her magnetic name tag from work. The girls all had to take turns wearing the name tag with their jammies and thought they looked pretty cute. Kate, however, took the cuteness to a whole new level when she began walking around the room sticking out her right hand to shake hands with everyone saying, "meet you", as in "Nice to meet you". Even though she wasn't wearing the name tag, she did it again tonight out of the blue. She really loves to be in the spotlight, and I think she was hoping to "shine" like the night before.... it worked.
Maggie is obsessed presently with being a Big Girl. She doesn't want to snuggle up all the time like the rest of the girls. She prefers to sit on the couch on her own with her new baby Lila right beside her. Whenever anyone tried to get her to sit in their lap tonight she just said, "no thanks, I big girl".
Sarah talks the most of the wee three, and as a result has had a number of funnies in the last couple of days. My favorite, by far, happened yesterday after she got out one of her little fake cell phones and began making calls. To preface this, I have to tell you that my sweet Granny Ruth can not hear well (truthfully, hardly at all from years of working at the local zipper factory back in the day). Whenever we go to her house we absolutely have to yell for her to hear anything that we say. Sarah picked up her phone and made several calls. One to Daddy, one to Joe, and then one to Granny Ruth. The first couple of conversations were completely normal,"hi, how you doin' Daddy?" and "hey Joe, you still ridin' the tractoe?", but when she placed her call to Granny Ruth she absolutely screamed into her little pink cell phone... "GRANNY RUTH..... WHAT CHU DOIN'?" We were all rolling in the floor laughing and the other girls quickly picked up on the fact that what Sarah was doing was funny because minutes later there were 2 other little gals with bright pink phones placing loud calls to their great- grandmother!! 
Ella is growing up way too fast. She is set to start preschool 2 days a week in September. Presently she is taken with sharing the news that she and I are hoping to meet up with Daddy next week "at the beach in Hu-wah". I've tried to teach her that Hawaii has 3 syllables or another sound on the end, but being a southerner I'm not convinced I pronounce it correctly myself. Yes, you read that right, Ella and I may be going to visit Scott next week... in Hawaii! We are so excited!!! I'll probably post more details of our trip once we've finalized all our plans. Woohoo! I suspect that most people wouldn't consider traveling across the country with a 3 year old on a plane for 9 hours a good trip, but I just keep thinking, "I'll only have one kid... how easy will that be?!?"
Haha, great stories... I hope you and Ella get to meet up with Scott!!! That'd be so great!
Thanks for making me laugh this morning! I look forward to when the girls start talking more - we're getting close but right now we're just on "cookie" and "baby" and "ball" - the simple stuff.
One baby - yea, that's a breeze (actually anything that doesn't involve triplets is much easier) - you and Ella will have a great time! I hope you get to go :)
wow, they are saying so much! smart cute.
Hey Marybeth, yeah Mom told me you had a blog and I found it a few weeks ago. I've enjoyed reading about the girls :) They are adorable. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers! -Jennifer
I do hope you and little miss Ella get to meet with up Scott. I tease my hubby about his rough assignment in Hawaii. How horrible to have to live there for 4 years. Anyway, I love hearing what you littles are doing and saying. I will say extra prayers that things work out for you and Ella and all goes smoothly.
My fingers are crossed that you and Ella get to meet Daddy "at the beach in Hu-wah".
Hawaii with Ella sounds awesome. Can I come? I hope it works out for you to go, I know you could really use a vacation. It will be a great trip for Ella too.
The girls are so funny. How do they come up with this stuff?
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