Saturday, March 22, 2008


We've been taking full advantage of all the sunshiny spring-ness that we've been having lately. Today we played outside at Donna and Mike's house on the trampoline, rode on the lawn mower and the tractor, and blew bubbles out on the front porch swing. Let me just say that by the time our four silly girls dived into the tub at Doo-Dah and Mike's (because they were too dirty to get in my car), they looked exactly like they had been outside in the dirt all day! Hooray for springtime!! But sadly, I didn't remember to bring my camera...

Yesterday afternoon we took the mule (Kawasaki, not farm animal) over to the dairy barn to see the baby calves. There was a bit of a stand off, wherein the girls lined up at the fence begging the cows to "come here, come here",

and the cows all lined up across from them as if to say, "You girls are crazy if you think we're coming over there!"

Bedtime has been coming early here between 6:30 and 7pm because of all the hard play and sunshine we've been experiencing during the day. I'd really like to start moving bedtime closer to 8pm so that they won't be going to bed with hours of sunlight left during the summer months.... and so that I can sleep past 7am on occasion. In my experience thus far, when they go to bed late (or too tired), they are always up earlier than their normal wake up time of 7am. Anyone have any suggestions for gently moving things back without causing them to wake up earlier than usual? I probably should have jumped on it when Daylight Savings Sprung us forward... lesson learned.


Amanda L said...

Yeah...I kept telling Ella you were going to kill me. Like I said round 1 went off without a hitch. Round 2...I was feeding Noel and well you saw. Hey, at least it was my kitchen and not yours!

CMB said...

Sleep advice is not my thing, but doing anything gradually is probably the best way. Looks like you and the girls are really enjoying this time of year. It is still freezing cold here, so inside we are.