Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tropicana Juicy Insiders

I realized this afternoon that in addition to some very important family milestones (which I'll get around to on here eventually), I've also failed to let you all know about a new blogging program that I am taking part in.

I love finding a good deal. I especially love deals on things we buy all the time anyway. That's why I'm pretty excited about Tropicana's Juicy Rewards program. These days when I reach for orange juice on the grocers' shelves (and we can go through some OJ) I choose Tropicana. The cartons currently contain codes that can be used for discounts and coupons on everything from golf, to workout gear, amusement parks, museums, and spa services. One carton saves you up to $15, three can save you up to $45 . I'm planning to take the girls to Monkey Joe's on the next rainy afternoon courtesy of a B1G1 coupon from Juicy Rewards.

It is simple and free to sign up. Just go to Tropicana and register, and then to get you started immediately use the code: MOMCE-NTRAL for a point. Around here that's good for a day at INK kids' museum or Monkey Joe's.... can't beat that for rainy day entertainment!

"I wrote this review while participating in the Tropicana Juicy Insiders Ambassador program by Mom Central on behalf of Tropicana. I received 12 free Juicy Rewards points and a $50 Visa gift card to use in redemption of the points and to facilitate my review."