Saturday, February 6, 2010

An Oldie

Looking at the calendar for next week, between our 4 Valentine's Day parties and all the baking that will be involved in those, I'm certain that my blogging will mostly consist of pictures. Since those will all be new ones, I opted for an old photo tonight.... it almost makes me cry to see how little they look only two years ago this month. Such a sweet bunch of girls we've got!!!


Ms. ~K said...

Oh, I remember those little sweeties well!!!
Have a fun week!

Cadi + 4 said...

I remember that photo and it seems like you just posted it a few months ago. They grow up so fast. I think Triplets grow up triple fast cause we are so busy. And about the bathtub. Mine would like to swim and play but I rush them through it. I'm usually so exhausted at that point of the day that I just need to get it done. When they are a little older I'll let them bath separately and they can splash all they want. Sometimes I just shower them separately. Whatever is easy. Have a happy Valentines Day!

Carrie Rogers said...

SO cute!!! I love going back through old photos of my kids! You forget how fast they really grow until looking back at how little they once were.. gorgeous girls.

Dorinda said...

Sometimes I miss that age! Sometimes :)

I'm finally catching up on blogs - love all the pictures and stories - they say the cutest things - I love it :)

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful picture. I love your genuinely happy smile...and they look so pretty in purple!