Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Little Firecrackers

I have learned a great deal about myself and my children over the last year. I have learned things about my husband that I might never have had the opportunity had he been here with me instead of half way around the world in Iraq. I can tell from reading messages he's sent that Scott has learned a great deal too. Last year I had no idea how things would turn out (*who ever does, really*), but I am pleased to report that Scott is finally making his way home to us and we did okay while he was away! No, we did better than okay, and so did he!!

So on this momentous, for us anyway, 4th of July, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who serve our country in defense of freedom! We won't forget your sacrifices nor those of your families who love and support you through until you come home. And may we never, ever forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice!

To my sweet husband who has been dearly missed this past year... the girls and I are very eagerly awaiting your arrival home to the states and even more so home to us!

And to our sweet little firecrackers, Ella, Maggie, Kate, and Sarah, thank you for giving me a reason to keep going every day, for making me laugh, and helping me to get through this time without your Daddy! I wouldn't have made it without you gals.... even though you did occasionally make me think I was going to loose my mind, and boy will I be glad to have my parenting partner back! whew!

Happy Independence Day and God Bless the USA!

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danajk said...

You should be very proud of you, Scott, and your girls! I have always said that in a military family, we have to make so many sacrifices. But sometimes, we get to realize things that we would not otherwise see. We get the opportunity to truly appreicate what we have and to try harder not to take it for granted. And we get to tell each other how we really feel about each other. So now you know how strong you are and that you can do anything! Way to go! And happy 4th to you and your firecrackers! Can't wait to see reunion pics!

Gamma said...

Looks like the little firecrackers are saving room on the bench for their Mama and Daddy!

Ms. ~K said...

As always, I am very proud of YOU!!!

Cathy said...

Just passing through and found your blog. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing husband so that we can be free. Look foward to the reunion pics.

Tara said...

you guys did it! WhoooHooo!!! Job well done everyone!

Cadi + 4 said...

I'm so glad he will be home with you soon. I'm sure I would appreciate my hubby so much more if he was gone for a year. The girls look adorable.

Bonzo the Barbarian said...

Cant wait to hear your dh is home & safe!
Thank you & the whole family for the service of your hubby.
I have 4 kids who have/ 2 still in the Army. Carefull, my only daughter was the one to start my life on the rollercoaster of Military life.
Bonnie J.

Sab Mad said...

I am so excited for you and for yu firecrackers. I admire your strength and your courage.
Can't wait to hear about the reunion!

Candace Hickey said...

Very nice post true about the men and women who take care of our country.

I admire your strength this past year.....way to go!

The girls are they all have the same hair style now? Love it!