Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Creek Weather

A few Sundays ago we had beautiful weather. Ella went off to play with cousin Cayden after lunch at Nanny and Pop C's, so Mimi, Maggie, Kate, Sarah and I headed off on the Kawasaki Mule to find adventure. We found the creek, and did they ever love it!!

Two days later it snowed.... crazy Southern weather!


Laura S. said...

Cute photos. I bet they can't wait for it to get warm enough so that Mimi's pool will be open for business.

Candace Hickey said...

Nice are brave to take them near water alone...he he he...

Glad to hear your weather is as crazy as ours in Texas!

leafLet said...

I love those photos of your kids and the scenery, ohh so beautiful.

Denise said...

It looks like they had fun!