We've stayed pretty busy here at home for the last few days. I realized yesterday that it finally feels like there is enough of me to go around since Daddy is home too.
We're taking out little show on the road tomorrow. The girls are anxious to show Daddy the beach. I guess they may be thinking he' never been there before since they've been 3 times without him. At any rate, I just wanted to say thanks for all the kind thoughts, emails, and facebook messages. We are doing great and just enjoying spending every minute together. Expect more quiet here on the blog front for the next couple of days.... I'll try to recover by posting lots of fun pictures from our adventures once we are home.
Y'all enjoy your Daddy time! Yay R&R!
Welcome Home Scott and enjoy your much-deserved R&R with all your Ladies!!!
So glad he made it home safe and sound. Enjoy your time together!!
I am sure that Scott is just as happy to be home with all his girls as all his girls are to have him home. Enjoy it! Looking forward to the updates.
I am so glad he made it home safe. I know this time is going to go too quickly for you all. I am sure you will have a blast while he is home and I can't wait to see pictures of your "daddy adventures"
I am new here! What an awesome blog :)
Woohoo!!! REjoicing with you that Scott is home. Thank you Scott for your amazing sacrifice to us and our country. May God richly bless you and your family!!!
Have a great time with Daddy this week!
Happy birthday Ella! We love you.
Have fun with the whole family!
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