"Mama, let me in please!", she said. I went and opened up the door. She immediately started in with, "Mama, I need my paci... I really, really need it." It is generally our rule that pacis are only for sleeping times, naps and bedtime.... I know it's way past time to get rid of them, but I just haven't picked the right time yet!?! At any rate, I said no and tried to distract her.
She was not going to be distracted. In fact, she said, "Let me tell you what happened why I need my paci." I told her to spill it. "I was playing cake making with Maggie in the sandbox, and then she called me a mean witch!" I gave her one of my best shocked, "Really?!?" responses. So Sarah said, "Yes, and that's when it happened." I said, "That's when what happened?" She concluded, "My teeth suddenly hurted and that's why I NEED my paci."
I have to wonder... with logic this solid at age 2, what are we in for at age 12???
What will you say when Sarah says, "Mama, I NEED that new pair of shoes. Let me tell you why I need that new pair of shoes..." I would have a hard time saying no to that...I identify with the need for a new pair of shoes! You go Sarah!
That was such a cute story. Sarah is too smart for her own good. You may have your hands full when she hits the teenage years.
She is brilliant! Geesh, my boys just wail for them, and here is your daughter coming up with an elaborate, rational story! So...did you give it to her?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I love it. Oh, and as far as the scraggly hair, we just didn't know that they could be any more beautiful 'til it just happened. You're in for a long life full of beautiful surprises!
So sweet. We are just in the beginning stages of the paci is only for nite nite time. Not going very well. You give me strength.
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