What club is that, you may ask?!?
..... the "Meanest Mom in the World" club.
Ella spent the night with Kari over at Mimi's last night. She went to bed late and then got up early and had a very full morning.
By the time she got home, she was exhausted. Maggie is sick and was getting extra attention of which Ella thought she herself was the only rightful owner. So I made Ella go to her room for a rest where she spent a solid 15 minutes crying, screaming, and declaring the injustice of the situation... which ended in her declaring my membership in no uncertain terms, "You are the meanest mom in the whole wide wurld" and then promptly falling asleep for a much needed nap.
Later this afternoon when my mom came over I told her all about it.
She stuck up her hand for a high 5! I'm so excited about this new era...... just waiting for the day there are 3 more drama queens and some hormones involved! Woohoo!
Welcome to the club! I get, "I want a new mother" all the time, too. I don't envy you 4 drama queens - but I look forward to reading about all the funny stories and creative ways you handle them.
Raegan will say that I'm "not her best friend anymore" and that she's "not talking to me anymore." Love the drama queens!!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Can you make it until they turn 21?
Congratulations and welcome to the club! We are a rare and special breed!
I guess that I still have a little while before I join that club although with the fits this morning as we were trying to herd Emma out the door, she might have initiated me if only she could say the words.
Congratulations! We have a lot more fun in this club than the gals over at the "let's-be-best-friends-with-our-kids" club.
aahhh....don't we all remember saying that exact thing to our moms at one point or another?
i am sure i will be joining the club as soon as Cohen learns a few more words to describe the angst he feels inside when mommy disciplines him,
Sorry I have not posted in awhile....
I am NOT looking forward to the hormones, etc. from the girls...ugh. he he he....
You may have to invest in a large supply of "mommy juice" aka...wine!
Hope you all are doing well.
I'll appologize for sherry since tonight sure didn't help either!
I guess I am still in the initiation stage for this club! I'll get in soon enough.
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