Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little Mama and the Busy Lady

See that small little scratch on Sarah's neck here? Every time someone asks her what happened she says, "Looks like my baby bit me," in her very matter of fact tone. Maggie, Kate, and Sarah have all been walking around here for the last few days referring to themselves as Mama in the third person.... Mama needs to sit here, Mama is gonna rock her baby, Mama needs to go potty, and their babies are getting into all kinds of mischief. This is a pretty fun stage!

Ella's funny for the day was this comment to Kay this morning during snack time: "When I grow up I am going to be an artist, a musician, a music teacher, a regular teacher, a basketball player, and a cheerleader. Whew, I'll be so busy I'm gonna have to find a good husband who can go to the grocery store and cook for us."

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Ms. ~K said...

Ella's got her act together for sure!!!
PS>>>check out the sweet homecoming post on my blog.

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Haha... big laughs at Ella's comment. Dream big busy lady!

Thanks for the smiles.

Amanda L said...

You know, Chase really love to help me cook...

Laura S. said...

Ella's comment was so funny and it makes me tired just to think about how busy she is going to be when she grows up!

Linda Alyce said...

Amen to that Ella. Amen!

Denise said...

Wow, I think I am exhausted after reading how busy Miss Ella is going to be. Too funny! I hope she can find that great hubby when she grows up.