This past weekend I had the chance to get away for a couple of nights with the women from my Thursday night Bible study group. The group is so awesome! It seemed that every time someone from home called to check in on us, they just could not believe that we drove over 5 hours to do absolutely nothing.... not exactly nothing, we talked, cried, laughed until our bellies hurt, and just basically enjoyed each other's company. I think it is safe to say that we all needed it!
I have been so blessed by this group and all that God is doing in our lives.... I count it a "God-thing" for sure that I happened to be reading Beth Moore's LPM blog last summer when she suggested everyone find a friend or two and join the LPM crew in a summer study. I found a hand full of friends who were all interested, and from there our group has continued and grown. I marvel at how much women need the companionship of other women just to realize we are all "normal". Having good girlfriends is one of the most important reasons for my sanity these days!
Be greatful for your girlfriends, and if you don't already have a reason to get together with them regularly, start a Bible study.... it will make your life so much better!

I am thrilled that these little gals will have one another's companionship throughout the years, and I consider it one of my goals to foster close relationships among them as they grow. Imagine growing with and knowing this many of your girlfriends from birth... amazing!
While I was at the beach, Kate was the only one who was eager to talk whenever I called home to check in. One time she said, "
Mom, did you call me on accident?" When I told her no, she dropped the phone and ran to tell the others "
Mom called me on purpose! Mom called me on purpose!"

Maggie, Kate, Sarah, and Ella enjoyed their weekend without me. They had a special date with Pop Dickie and Mimi, went to a birthday party, and out to dinner to the
Puddle House with Donna, Nanny, and Pop C again, but I am pretty sure they were glad to see me on Monday morning. I heard them when they were first waking and talking with each other saying, "
Mama, who's here? Mama, are you home? Is somebody here with us?"
Now we are all waiting, not so patiently, for Dad to arrive. Scott is supposed to leave Iraq by the end of the week, and we're hoping to have him home around Sunday. I haven't allowed myself to think much about the reunion for us all. I am excited, anxious,
insert every other emotion here! Sadly, I'm also already concerned about his return to Iraq. I know that the girls are resilient, but this time when he leaves they are going to know what it means. Last time I think they just thought it was like any other trip with the airlines. Our prayers now include requests for safety and protection for Scott while there and traveling home to us, that we'll enjoy our time with him home to the fullest, and that we'll be brave and courageous when it is time to send him back to Iraq to finish up his job. Thanks for all your prayers!
oh goodness. It is hard to send them back. I hope for you all a wonderful few weeks together. Praying and thinking of you all.
Sounds like you had a nice time away. I will be praying for Scott and you all.
I am glad you had a wonderful weekend! You all will be in our prayers...
R&R is always a mixed blessing. You are grateful for any time, but you are constantly watching each minute click by, knowing what is coming. I will certainly be thinking of all of you - as you enjoy your brief visit AND as you readjust to life again once it is over. The good news is that the next time he comes home - it will be OVER!
So excited for you! I remember those days of eagerly waiting for them to come home from Iraq. Praying that the time flies between now and then. I love the pics of all the girls together, so sweet! God bless!
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