I've decided to try and keep all my Christmas posts in chronological order with my pictures so I'll start with the day before the day before Christmas.... whew, that's a mouth full. That was the day that Aunt Kari and Uncle James made it home. Actually, they arrived late the night before, but that was the first time the girls had seen them in a very long time! They played shy for a painfully long time and then finally showered them with hugs and affection~ and for some reason I have no photo documentation.

Then KayKay arrived at our house with a blow up Santa... the kind with a blower in it that is meant for the yard, I think. We found him a very nice home in our living room where the girls loved on him for the better part of the morning ~again, no photographs of the Santa.

Right after everyone had settled in at the kitchen table with their utensils and dough, two ladies from the local American Legion Auxiliary stopped by bearing gifts for the girls and I as a thank you to Scott for his service this holiday season. They brought me a dozen beautiful red roses, and each of the girls received a baby doll... which they all four immediately named Abby.

We took a few photographs to send to Scott, but the roses got cut out of most all my shots. They were over on the left. After I used my sharpie marker and put initials on the back of each of the baby dolls' heads, the girls were back to their play dough and rolling pins. Later on that day I was chatting with Scott on the computer via Skype when he suddenly said, "Who sent those roses?!?" Oops, I had forgotten to send him the pictures and tell him about the lovely gifts, and he could see my roses in the web cam frame behind me!!
I've got tons of pictures from Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and even some videos from today, but it will all have to wait until another time because I am off to bed.
I would like to say a special thank you to Pop for the wonderful rolling pins. The girls will use them daily, and I am thrilled to have one too!
I would also like to say a special thank you to the ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary for thinking of us while Scott is away. What an awesome surprise these gifts were!! Small town life is really the best!
So so so much fun is to be had with playdough and rolling pins. Cute pictures. I hope you had a Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Mary Beth - sounds like a great Christmas Eve. How thoughtful the American Legion was - something for both you and the kids!
Hope your Christmas was just as fun. We were able to Skype Felix in for the wake up and unwrapping of the christmas gifts. It was like he was here, or rather his head and his voice were - but I'll take it any way I can get it!
Looks like the girls had a blast with the play doh. Very cute pictures and the one of the you and the girls is great.
Hey MaryBeth,
I live in Demorest, Ga -
I noticed you on LPM blog -
Just wanted to stop in and say
I am also getting ready for Scripture memorization..ummmmmm -
much prayer needed!
Sista Staci
ps - If I'm not being to nosey...may I ask where you attend church? We go to The Torch - in Corneila - where I lead Beth Moore studies - we start Esther in Feb - just wanted to invite you..
So very cute - I hope you had a wonderful Christmas :)
And why is that all girls name their dolls Abby? Kaitlyn has quite a few named Abby - go figure!
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