Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Things I've Heard Lately : Part 1

I've decided to start keeping a running list of the funny, profound, wacky, and otherwise noteworthy things that I hear on a daily basis. Once I've compiled a few I'll put them here on the blog because a momma just doesn't want to forget these kinds of things... and well, my memory is shot.

I should preface Maggie's most common sayings with the fact that I find almost everything that she says to be funny and endearing because of the raspy, monotone, gravely voice that she uses. You'd just have to hear it in person to really know what I'm talking about, but I'll do the best I can to "write it like she says it". M- "Bye Ere-body", and "Wha-da-you-doin'?" , "Me want dance party!"

A short conversation with Ella over lunch today. Out of the blue she says to me, "Mom, I'm not much of a playground player." When I asked her why not, she replied, "Because there are entirely too many other kids out there... scary!" She then informed me,"Instead of being a playground player, I prefer to sit on the bench by Ms. Kelli and keep her company." I wonder what Ms. Kelli thinks of this arrangement?!?

I overheard a conversation through the bedroom door this morning between Kate and Sarah while we were all getting dressed to go to the park. I had been working hard to convince the girls to wear their crocs instead of flip-flops because of the bark at the park. Kate said to Sarah with a great deal of concern in her voice, "Sehwah, where your crocs?" To which Sarah replied, "I not wear crocs for momma... I pwobly gonna wear my pink flih-flops in-ted."

Yes, Sarah is a little stinker. After she skipped her nap this afternoon she was a real piece of work. Fortunately, Mimi took the girls for a little while so I could work on the great clothes swap summer to fall/winter edition 2008. I'm tellin' ya, this is quite a chore around here! Anyway, she was not happy about anything that was going on, and somehow missed the fact that I wasn't also going along in Mimi's car. As they were driving down the road she yelled out, "I need my momma.... I pitiful!" Yes, both pitiful and adorable! They all are!!


Diana said...

So precious. I can't imagine having so many little girls around. My youngest two are a boy 7 and a girl 6 (Irish twins just under 10 months apart) and being the only girl with two big brothers, well she can be a bit of a tom-boy. My favorite is when I hear her "littler" big brother tell her, "VicTORia, that is NOT lady like!" May he be her keeper for many years to come!

Cadi + 4 said...

She IS a little stinker but you can't help laughing. I love what Ella said too. She is like 3 going on 15, isn't she?