Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

First off, Happy Birthday Scott!!

We felt that each one of the girls needed a special Daddy Date this summer because Scott spent most of the last school year away for work. He had the whole month of July off for these adventures, and he and Ella started things off with quite a bang.
The two of them flew up to D.C. for the day early in July. Ella says that the National Zoo is the longest walk she ever had to take! Apparently it was also pretty hot there in July.
They enjoyed some outdoor fountains in the city, a lunch date, an art museum or two, ice cream, and some time at the air and space museum.

Ella and Scott were both completely exhausted by the end of the day. It is a blessing to be able to fly standby, but with all the extra stress it added, Scott decided that the other 3 dates would be more local.

I know that reconnecting with the girls is overwhelming for Scott after deployments, but I have to say he did a fabulous job investing his time with all four of our girls this summer.

More Daddy Date stories to come~


Laura S. said...

Happy birthday Scott! I am sure Ella loved her trip to DC with Daddy!

Laura S. said...

Also meant to say that Ella looks so cute with her glasses!

wino said...

it's a sweet blog,,,,