Wednesday, January 5, 2011

... and We're Back

**Photo by Farrah Nicole Photography**

I'm so sorry for the long break I've taken from the blog. After a week, and then a month went by, it was harder to start back than it was to just keep ignoring it. However, one day when I want to go back and read about all the ups and downs of 2010 (because I have the worst memory of anyone I know) I will be sorely disappointed at my miserable attempts at writing it all down!

I am going to make a much better effort of documenting things in 2011. Goodness knows we've got plenty of "exciting" things on the horizon here. Let's just say that a new word in the girls' vocabulary is Afghanistan'd' and leave it at that.

We had some beautiful family photos taken by Farrah Nicole Photography, in 30 degree weather no less, back in mid- December so that we would have them before Scott deploys, and I'm looking forward to sharing them here a few at a time.

There are plenty of "funny things I've heard lately" posts swimming around in my head just waiting to be written. Some pretty hilarious stuff, so I'm looking forward to getting some of those down for posterity.

Here's to new inspiration in 2011!!

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JMT said...

Glad you are back! Hope your family had a great holiday.

Laura S. said...

Beautiful photo of the girls. Sorry to hear that Scott is going to have to deploy again.

Mary said...

Welcome back! I LOVE the picture of the girls. So beautiful and sweet. Look forward to reading all about your adventures in 2011. Prayers will be with you as you prepare for Scott's deployment.

Dorinda said...

Welcome back! I always enjoy your blog and I LOVE the photo - it's beautiful. Of course, you have such cute girls so that's probably just easy.