My excuses for not blogging include a trip in an airplane with Maggie, Kate, & Sarah to visit aunt Kari, many fun play dates, and of course our big upcoming trip! I will catch up with full posts about all our fun activities since, oh, Columbus Day sometime, but for now there is still Disney World packing to be done!

I would love to grow up in your house. It looks like so much fun. I have a question. What are the locks called that you use for the closets? They are bi-fold doors right? I am looking to invest in some but want to make sure they are good. Thanks.
Ahh Disney World. The best vacation. Your girls will love that. I hope to take a vacation there with my family when I have kids. It's on my future dream list, lol.
Have a great trip! Can't wait to see the photos and hear about everything else you all have been up to.
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