Her only disappointment with our plans thus far came when she realized we are not planning to travel there via airplane or "great big boat". I'm now trying to convince her of the merits of a simple road trip.... guess she was spoiled on her last Mom, Dad, and Ella outing since we spent the week in Hawaii!
We've discussed both our trip and weddings in general a ridiculous amount over the last few days, and just the other night we had a conversation that went like this:
Ella: "Mom, do you think the beautiful bride will be wearing white for the wedding?"
MB: "I guess so honey, but we'll just have to wait and see."
Ella: "Well, do you suppose the broom will wear white.... ooooh, will he cover his face with one of those thing-ys too?!?"
MB: giggling at her calling the groom a broom "No, the groom will most likely not be dressed in white and he'll definitely not have a veil over his face."
As it turns out the groom is a Naval officer, so he very well may be dressed in white. I don't think Ella has ever seen her Daddy in his handsome dress blues, but I am looking forward to being one of the two ladies on his arm that evening... every bit as excited as our sweet little Ella!

You already know this but she is too cute! I hope you all have a wonderful trip and I LOVE the sunflower pictures - just gorgeous!
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