Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things I've Heard Lately : Part 6

Some time back Sarah, her p-tend puppy dog Soggy, and I were in Ella's closet trying to find some missing piece of jewelry. Sarah raised her precious little eyes up to meet mine and said, "Mama, Soggy is my berry best fwiend." I told her that was sweet. Then she went on to recount her long, long list of best fwiends, including Maggie, Kate, Ella, and many others. Finally, she stopped the list and exclaimed, "Wow, I such a lucky girl!"

Yes you are, Sarah Bug, yes you are!


Dorinda said...

So cute :) I love when they talk! Maybe cause it means they aren't screaming or making strange noises as they try to tell me something...

Mandy said...
