Every year my mom's side of the family starts off with a bang getting together each month to celebrate all the birthdays and special events, but somehow by April we've trailed off. We seldom have a full family gathering throughout any of the summer months, and don't start back with celebrating birthdays until October. By entire family I mean, Nanny, Pop, their 6 children plus spouses, and all the grand kids plus spouses, and now great grand kids.
I don't know why we always taper off like that because we usually have a great time when we're together. I suppose it is because everyone gets busier and less structured in the summertime. It is a pleasure to spend time with our family, some of whom we don't see all that often, and just enjoy the simple things.
Things like playing football in the yard with the big boys, checking out the corn with uncle Joe, riding down Nanny and Pop's steep driveway on the Big Wheels and in the wagon, and this time of year Nanny's home made apple pie! Yum!!
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