Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend Re-cap

We've had a delightfully busy weekend, so I thought I'd just do a quick re-cap now that it is almost over.

Friday morning Scott and I took the girls out early in the morning to a nearby nature preserve and did a "little" 1.6 mile hike, with the Runabout stroller, and Ella in flip-flops. What were we thinking?!? It was so hard because I ended up carrying Ella on my shoulders about half of the way. Scott would have gladly carried her, but I couldn't push the stroller on the up hills and couldn't control it on the down hills.... it contained over 60 pounds of precious cargo after all, and the terrain was basically ALL down and up hills! They had a great time anyway, and we were able to get a couple of cute pictures.

Scott mumbled something about the wrong setting on the camera once we were home, so sorry the picture quality is not very good. I have no idea why because I still only shoot in AUTO mode. Anyone who can suggest a good starting point for learning about my Nikon D80, I'd be forever in your debt. It is a heavy duty camera to be carrying around and not utilizing all the capabilities!!

Friday night, as I mentioned earlier, Scott and I went out on a date. We went to see Tina Fey's new movie Baby Mama. I really like Tina Fey. I think she is both funny and smart. The movie, while not exactly smart, is very funny. We had a good time, and enjoyed each other's company and undivided attention on the way to and from the theater without anyone crying in the background.

Saturday we all headed out early together once again. We went to a Christian Couple's Conference. It turned out to not be as interactive as we had hoped (it was a live simulcast being broadcast all over the nation) , but it was new experience, and we all learned some things. We arrived in plenty of time to get all four of the girls settled in to the childcare area... except when we were getting out of the car Ella said, "Mom, where are my shoes?" I hadn't noticed in the chaos of loading the car that she got in bare footed! Scott had to return home with her to find her shoes while I got Maggie, Kate, and Sarah settled. Believe it or not, they did great! Only Sarah cried for a few minutes. Maggie and Kate were both completely happy to stay there and play with two college students they'd never met before. Looks like we may be able to give that gym daycare thing a try again in another couple of months when Sarah comes around. We picked them all up after lunch and came home for naps.

Today we went out to breakfast with Mimi and then to Sunday school and church. We played outside this evening at Nanny and Pop C.'s until dinner time. The girls have had so much sugar today- between Sunday school and nursery snacks, the cookies Mimi made this afternoon, and the cake Nanny C made today- that they were spiraling out of control by around 6pm. We called it quits early and had everyone off to bed by 6:30pm.... sugar high followed by hard crash!

I've got so much new blog material with all of their new little tricks, habits, sayings, etc., but I think I'll save it until another day when I have it better organized in my head. I don't want to leave anything out!

Happy and Blessed Sunday everyone!


Cadi + 4 said...

I've been wanting to see that movie too. If you think it's funny then I really want to go. Maybe my hubby and I can have a date night soon, too. That hike sounds like it was painful.


Kelli said...

I think those pictures of your hike look beautiful.....even though it was painful, it looks like a beautiful place to hike!

That is wonderful that you and your hubby got to go out on a important! You reminded me I need to make time for Andy and I to go to a movie or something soon!

And I love hearing the funny stories about Ella....that last one about "right this instrument" was so cute!


Jen @ One Moms World said...

You did have a busy weekend. I keep seeing the previews for that movie... glad to see a review by someone.

Sounds like you all had a lot of fun :)

JMT said...

I see the runabout is being put to good use. I look forward to getting our girls out on hiking adventures soon.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I think those pictures are beautiful

PhotoChick said...

What a beautiful hike! I can't tell one bit that the pictures look any less than perfect. I guess pictures don't have to be absolutely perfect to give someone a perfectly wonderful feeling, huh?

And Oh! I'm so glad you got to go to the movies - Baby Mama does look like a VERY funny movie! Maybe someday I'll visit the theater again :o)

I'm kinda in the same boat as you on learning my DSLR - and I've had it for 2 years now! Yikes! I have finally found a very good blog that does a really great job of explaining manual, aperture, & priority settings. I've been studying up on it for about a month now, and I'm starting to see the light of day on working those crazy settings. It's called Digital Photography School & here's the link:

Hope this is of some help... Sorry I can't just explain it myself, but like I said - I'm still learning too. It'd be like the blind leading the blind, huh? Haha! The people who write for DPS definitely aren't blind though, and my photo skills are starting to improve because of them. Much love & luck! Take care and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I would suggest the Nikon D80 field guide. We have the field guide for the D50 and it has been wonderful. Brad's brother also has the field guide for his D40 and said that it has helped him out a lot with learning to use the camera. By the way, when you see Silver Spring, MD, that is me even though I am checking from Arkansas.