Personalities captured perfectly... Kate in front happy to be there, Sarah in the middle signing all done with the present situation, and Maggie's now famous whine face
Mimi with Kate at the table in the tent
Rylee Ann... born on Tuesday prior to the trio on Sunday- with all the new babies we've added to the tent this year things are going to be wild fun times in the years to come.
We have just had an awesome (and tiring) week at our church's campground. Attending campmeeting has been a family tradition of ours since 1989. We stay in small cabins (we call them tents) that surround a tabernacle where we have church services daily from Sunday to Sunday at both 11am and 8 pm.
Campmeeting is the kind of place kids dream of... a lot like camping and other simple family vacations (though really it is a lot of work for the adults), spending lots of time running around outside playing with friends that you only see once a year, enjoying lot and lots of homemade icecream, and just generally getting to be a kid.
Through the years our tent has been filled with both family and friends, and I believe this might be a record breaking year because among us we added 5 babies to the group and there's another on the way in December. That will give us a grand total of 8 age 3 and under for next year's week long adventure... unless there are others that squeeze in between now and then!
We've made many great memories at campmeeting... most of which we laugh and talk about from year to year. I am excited to be able to expose the girls to such a wonderful, loving, place of tradition.
That looks like so much fun!
The babies are soo cute!!!!
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